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    Manufacturer's analysis of the use of pyrite

    2024/4/30 14:06:25
    269 次

    Buy pyrite and come to Tongling Weite Mining Products Company. Many people have little understanding of the uses of mines. Very few people know the use of pyrite. Let the editor of Tongling Weite Company tell you about the role of pyrite.

    Although we have heard little about pyrite, we do not know this mine. But you have heard of sulfuric acid, haven't you. To make sulfuric acid, one needs to 

    extract its components from pyrite, which is the main mineral raw material for extracting sulfur and producing sulfuric acid.

    In addition, in medicine, pyrite is also indispensable. It can be used to make medicines, such as blood activating and pain relieving powders, as well as medicines scattered in the military.
    Alright, do you think pyrite is particularly close to us now? Although you still don't know him. Alright, that's all for the introduction of pyrite. Let's now understand the characteristics of pyrite carrying gold.
    According to the general pattern of hydrothermal gold deposits, the closer to the upper part of the ore body, the more monomorphic and polymeric types of pyrite are present.
    The temperature measurement results of the explosion method indicate that pyrite is prone to form {100} simple crystals when the growth temperature is high or low; In the intermediate temperature range of 227-310 ℃, various polymeric crystals are easily formed. In fact, this temperature range corresponds exactly to the stage of polymetallic sulfides. Due to the abundance of various elemental impurities in the hydrothermal solution at this time, the high index surface network of pyrite is prone to adsorbing various elements and impurities, leading to the emergence of a large number of polymorphs. So, a large number of complex polymorphs appear in the stage of polymetallic sulfides.

    上一篇:Tongling pyrite, your choice2024/4/30 14:03:54
    下一篇:Sources of ferrous sulfide2024/4/30 14:07:29





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