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    Tongling pyrite, your choice

    2024/4/30 14:03:54
    266 次

    Buy pyrite to Tongling Kuwait mining. Pyrite (FeS2) because of its pale yellow copper and bright metallic luster, is often mistaken for gold, so it is also called "fool's gold" crystal therapy that it is an excellent energy protective cover, can eliminate all chakras in negative energy and pollution, including infectious disease. Wearing this gem around your neck protects your physical and mental health and transfers negative factors that can cause harm.
    Tongling Weite mineral products Co. Ltd is located in known as Chinese bronze are known as Anhui Province, Tongling City, Tongling adjacent to the Yangtze River, adjacent to the Yangtze River Delta, high-speed rail, high-speed traffic extending in all directions, richly endowed by nature. The company has been the production of iron sulfide, with heavy mineral sand, titanium alloy, tin sulfur fine sand, hematite, resulfurization agent, agent and other kinds of mineral products in addition to copper. Buy all kinds of mineral products please call the picture below the phone.





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