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    iron sulfide

    • 所屬分類:iron sulfide
    • 瀏覽次數(shù):191
    • 二維碼:
    • 發(fā)布時間:2024/4/30 11:30:14
    • 產(chǎn)品概述

    Whatis iron sulfide

    lron sulfide is a very important mineral, which is a golden mineral commonly found in natureThe chemical formula of iron sulfide is FeS2. It is a compound composed ofiron and sulfur. lronsulfide has a wide range of applications in industrial production, and it is also a An important metamineral.

    Properties oflron Sulfide

    lron sulfde is a flammable substance that can burn in the air, producing sulfur dioxide and carbondioxide. lron sulfde is insoluble in water, but can be decomposed by heating to produce iron sulfateand sulfur dioxide. In addition, iron sulfide also has certain electrical properties and can be used tomanufacture batteries and other electrical components

    Application oflron Sulfide

    ron sufide has a wide range of applications in industrial production. itis an important non-metallic mineral that can extract iron, sulfur, and other metals, and is widely used in industries suchas mechanical counterweight, steel, casting, abrasive tools, coatings, mechanical processing, and crudelead smelting.





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